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Bens Creek Group plc: Holding(s) in Company
Home / Client News / Bens Creek Group plc: Holding(s) in Company

Bens Creek (AIM:BEN), the owner of a recently re-opened metallurgical coal mine in North America supplying the steel industry, announces that it was notified on 21 January 2022 that, following a purchase of ordinary shares on 21 January 2022, John Story has a total interest in 22,066,631 ordinary shares in the Company. The interest of John Story comprises 22,066,631 voting rights held through financial instruments  (as defined in section 5.3 of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority) in connection with spreadbets with the majority being held via a financial instrument issued by InterTrader Ltd. This combined holding represents approximately 6.25% of the total voting rights in the Company.



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